The Respirometry Blog

Three reasons for misleading gas analyzer accuracy specifications

A funny thing happened on my way to helping a colleague make sense of the specifications of a metabolic phenotyping system. There were many strange things to mull over. Not the least of these were oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzer accuracy specifications that appeared to be the product of smoke, mirrors, and absinthe-infused coca tea sipped through a crazy straw.

Data Visualizations you haven't Seen Before...

Some data visualizations are obvious. Others, not so much. Here are three data visualizations that weave deeper and deeper levels of interpretation around position (XY) data. Warning: Addictive graphics.

Measuring food uptake differentially

Want to measure food uptake by your experimental animal, such as a rat or mouse? There's the easy wrong way and the even easier right way (the latter with a smidgeon more tech). Plus a tickler.

Data, data, data!

Sometimes (almost always, if you're a researcher) you just can't get too much data. Click above to see just a subset of the data you can get in a day (and night) from just one busy little mouse.

Automated behavior analysis: The basics of EthoScan

A metabolic phenotyping system such as Promethion can - if it stores all of its raw sensor data - be used for automated behavioral analysis that is rigorous and quantitative. In fact, if metabolic data aren't required, you can use a Promethion system solely for behavior analysis. Click on the title to learn more.
